
Our 30+ programs provide tools and resources for individuals to move forward in their lives. Each program focuses on positive relationships and mental wellness because we believe healthy living starts with your mind.

Wednesday, 05 August 2015 19:15

Young Adults

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A safe, secure and nurturing home environment.

A safe, secure and nurturing home environment 

Studies show that 75% of mental health ailments begin before the age of 25; the earlier the onset is properly diagnosed and treated, the higher the chance for successful long-term management. Our voluntaryYoung Adult Programs work with individuals 18-25 years of age to help young men and women transition from Department of Child & Family (DCF) to an independent living environment. In collaboration with the Southeastern Mental Health Authority (SMHA), these programs offer:

  • 24/7 care
  • Built in clinical and residential support
  • Individualized goal plans and life skill building (i.e. hygiene, budgeting, transportation, cooking, leisure activities, grocery shopping, money management, health and wellness, safety, coping skills)
  • Collaboration with families
  • Transportation to health and wellness appointments
  • Incentive programs
  • Recreational activities
  • Peer mentoring
  • Volunteer opportunities in the community

Those interested in services should contact the Southeastern Mental Health Authority at 860-859-4500.


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  • Short Description:

    A safe, secure and nurturing home environment

Read 7997 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 17:56

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